The Boys’ Town Home

The Boys’ Town Home is a charitable institution focused on helping troubled children and orphans who have been forgotten by society. The children live at Boys’ Town Home, a sanctuary dedicated to enriching their lives with love and life skills. Many of these children are unwanted by their own families and/or have been completely abandoned by their families and society. In other cases, their families simply cannot afford to care for the children.
Over the years, Evolve MMA has become a family to these children while making a lifelong positive impact on their lives through the martial arts. All members of the Evolve Instructor Team serve as life mentors, teaching martial arts to the kids on a pro bono basis at Evolve MMA. It is our goal to transform the lives of these children by nurturing them with the benefits of martial arts. They will inherit confidence, mental strength, self-discipline, work ethic, self-defense skills, and much more. Above all, they will be taught to dream and to unleash their potential in every area of life.