BJJ Seminar With Rickson Gracie 3rd Degree Black Belt Henry Akins

Thank you for your interest in attending the BJJ Seminar with Rickson Gracie 3rd Degree Black Belt Henry Akins at Evolve MMA!

Henry Akins is a highly esteemed 3rd Degree Black Belt with over 25 years of Jiu-Jitsu experience. He served as an instructor at the Rickson Gracie Academy in the USA, earning recognition as one of the best black belts produced by the legendary Rickson Gracie. Personally graded by Rickson Gracie, Henry is only the third American to achieve this honor.

Henry’s innovative approach to Jiu-Jitsu instruction has revolutionized the art in the United States, demonstrating his exceptional thought process and leadership as a high-level instructor. He possesses a profound grasp of the fundamental principles of Jiu-Jitsu foundations and excels in simplifying complex techniques into easily digestible instructions. When Rickson relocated to Rio de Janeiro, Henry took charge of overseeing Rickson’s academy in Los Angeles, a testament to the trust and honor bestowed upon him by Rickson himself.

Who: 3rd Degree Rickson Gracie Black Belt Henry Akins

Date: 25th Aug 2024, Sunday

Time: 10AM-1PM

Venue: EVOLVE Far East Square in Singapore

Investment*: $150 for EVOLVE members, $200 for non-members

This special one-time seminar with Rickson Gracie 3rd Degree Black Belt Henry Akins is guaranteed to be SOLD OUT due to limited available slots. Grab your spot NOW!

  • For Evolve students
  • For Public