5 Muay Thai Elbow Combinations You Must Know

The elbow strike is a brutal short-range weapon used in Muay Thai. The force and damage that can be inflicted can be devastating and the results can quickly end a fight. Elbow strikes pack a serious amount of potential damage with each one that is thrown and they come from a compact range that can still deliver knockout power. 

Compared to longer strikes, such as punches or kicks, the compact nature of elbow strikes enables quick, unexpected attacks that catch opponents off guard. This limited extension of the arm also means that these strikes are challenging for opponents to read and predict, adding an element of surprise to their effectiveness.

Elbow strikes are particularly well-suited for close-quarters combat, such as when fighters are engaged in the clinch or are within arm’s reach of each other. In these situations, where longer strikes may prove less practical, elbows become an invaluable weapon. 

The diversity of elbow strikes—ranging from diagonal and horizontal to upward variations—offers fighters a versatile set of options to use various angles and capitalize on openings. The inherent boney nature of the elbow acts as a natural weapon, capable of inflicting cuts or fractures upon impact, which can quickly end a fight.

Elbow strikes excel not only in causing physical harm but also in disrupting an opponent’s rhythm and balance, thereby impeding their ability to launch an effective counterattack. In the clinch, well-executed elbow strikes can disrupt an opponent’s posture and restrict their movement, providing the fighter with a tactical advantage.

The psychological impact of a cleanly landed elbow strike, can’t be understated either. Sneaking in an elbow or raining in with a killer combination and landing a good elbow can slow down an aggressive opponent. 


Short-Range Weapons Of Muay Thai

Before we go into the combinations, let’s take a quick look at each of the individual elbow strikes. 

  • Sok Ti (Striking Elbow, Slashing Elbow)
  • Sok Tat (Horizontal Elbow)
  • Sok Ngad (Upwards Elbow)
  • Sok Poong (Spear Elbow)
  • Sok Klap (Spinning Elbow)
  • Sok Sap (Elbow Chop)
  • Sok Tong (Downward Chopping Elbow)
  • Sok Kratong (Backward Elbow)
  • Kradot Sok (Flying Elbow)

Here’s a breakdown of each of the elbow strikes in Muay Thai and how they are typically used:


1) Sok Ti (Striking Elbow, Slashing Elbow)

The Sok Ti is a diagonal elbow strike where the elbow is brought down diagonally, aiming to cut through the opponent’s guard or strike their head, collarbone, or temple with a slashing motion.


2) Sok Tat (Horizontal Elbow)

The Sok Tat is a powerful elbow strike thrown horizontally across the opponent’s body. The forearm is parallel to the ground during the strike.


3) Sok Ngad (Upwards Elbow)

The Sok Ngad is an upward elbow strike where the elbow is thrust upward, targeting the opponent’s chin, jaw, or even solar plexus.


4) Sok Poong (Spear Elbow)

The Sok Poong involves thrusting the elbow forward in a spear-like motion, typically targeting the opponent’s chest, abdomen, or solar plexus.


5) Sok Klap (Spinning Elbow)

Sok Klap is a spinning elbow strike executed by rotating the body and elbow, generating power from the twist, and striking the opponent with the backside of the elbow.


6) Sok Sap (Elbow Chop)

The Sok Sap is a vertical downward elbow strike, resembling a chopping motion. The elbow is brought down on the opponent’s target, such as the collarbone or temple.


7) Sok Tong (Downward Chopping Elbow)

The Sok Tong involves a diagonal downward chopping motion of the elbow, targeting the opponent’s head, collarbone, or temple.


8) Sok Kratong (Backward Elbow)

Sok Kratong is an elbow strike executed by striking backwards, typically targeting the opponent’s head or face.


9) Kradot Sok (Flying Elbow)

Kradot Sok is a flying elbow strike where the fighter leaps into the air and strikes the opponent with the elbow.

These various elbow strikes showcase the versatility and adaptability of Muay Thai elbow techniques. The best way to utilize each strike depends on factors such as timing, distance, opponent’s position, and tactical considerations. 

Training and practice are essential for executing these techniques effectively in different situations and learning the different elbow techniques will definitely give you an advantage when you are fighting in the elbow range. 


5 Must-Know Muay Thai Elbow Combinations 

The possibilities for elbow combinations in Muay Thai, like in any martial art, are virtually limitless. Muay Thai practitioners continuously innovate and adapt their techniques to create new combinations based on their creativity, strategy, and opponent’s movements. 

In essence, while there is no definitive limit to elbow combinations, the practicality and effectiveness of any combination will depend on the fighter’s skill level, adaptability, and situational awareness. Training, learning from experienced coaches and fighters, and consistent practice will aid in developing a diverse range of effective elbow combinations. 

Here are five elbow combinations that encompass various techniques, including the spinning elbow, spear elbow, and elbows from the clinch:


1) JabCross-Jab-Fake-Spinning Elbow Combination

  • Begin with a quick jab to gauge the distance and set up the timing.
  • Follow up with a powerful cross, targeting your opponent’s head or collarbone.
  • Execute another jab to get your opponent off balance, and immediately fake a jab.
  • As your opponent reacts to the fake jab, pivot your rear foot and execute a spinning elbow, catching them off guard with the rotation.


2) Double Jab-Spear Elbow Combination


  • Go for the idea of a double jab to your opponent’s face or body.
  • But this time, replace the second jab with the spear elbow.
  • Transition seamlessly into a spear elbow strike, where you thrust your elbow forward, aiming for your opponent’s midsection or solar plexus. This technique is highly effective at short range.


3) Clinch-Elbow Combinations

  • Initiate the clinch by closing the distance and establishing control of your opponent’s neck or head.
  • From the clinch, execute a series of elbow strikes, such as short-range horizontal or diagonal elbows, targeting the opponent’s head, collarbone, or ribs.
  • Mix up the rhythm and angles of your elbow strikes to create confusion and overwhelm your opponent in the clinch.


4) Triple Elbow Combination

  • Deliver a upward elbow to break through the guard.
  • Pull down their rear hand to bring down to create space for the left elbow.
  • As your opponent tries to recover their guard, pull down their lead hand to deliver the final straight elbow.


5) Teep-Knee-Slash Elbow Combination

  • Start by performing a teep (push kick) to create space and disrupt your opponent’s balance.
  • Capitalize on the opening by stepping forward and throwing a knee strike to your opponent’s ribs.
  • Swiftly follow up with a slashing elbow, thrusting your elbow diagonally to strike your opponent’s head, collarbone, or temple with a slashing motion.


Remember, mastering these combinations requires consistent practice, proper technique, and an understanding of the timing and range of each technique. So the next time you’re up close and in the range you can use one of the most dangerous strikes in your Muay Thai arsenal.  


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