“Why would you ignore 50% of the human body?” is a question made famous by the legendary Jiu-Jitsu competitor Dean Lister that changed the revolutionary John Danaher’s outlook in grappling. While this quote pertains to…

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“Why would you ignore 50% of the human body?” is a question made famous by the legendary Jiu-Jitsu competitor Dean Lister that changed the revolutionary John Danaher’s outlook in grappling. While this quote pertains to…
Some submissions used in BJJ are more effective than others. These are the submissions that often have a high rate of success regardless of factors like how strong your opponent is. The traditional style of…
A good grappler should know how to take the fight to the ground. Generally, the standing position is a common weakness amongst many modern BJJ practitioners. To get better in the standup, BJJ players typically…
Positional dominance is one of the most fundamental characteristics of not just Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu but in any grappling martial art. Regardless of style and approach, you must use your body in such a way that…
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu often depicts the idea of “human chess.” It is a sport where both players make moves carefully and constantly counter each other’s movements. While the winner is the one who usually can outthink…
Training in Jiu-Jitsu is rewarding for the mind and body, a reason it is among the fastest-growing martial arts today. As it becomes more and more known worldwide, many have started training for fitness and…
Shadowboxing is one of the most important training tools you have at your disposal when training in martial arts like Boxing, Muay Thai, and Kickboxing. It improves the form of your techniques while increasing your…
If you’ve been training in BJJ for quite some time, you’ve most likely rolled with different training partners. Every grappler is unique as far as grappling style is concerned, some are nice, and some like…
The additional grips in gi BJJ open a lot of different options for grapplers. Gi grips can be used to apply different types of guards and are used to prevent the opponent from passing. Even…
There are many guards in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Learning essential guards is a critical part of a practitioner’s development, especially in the early stages as it teaches the basics of positioning, grip fighting, and posture. The…