Grappling Genius: The Rise Of B-Team’s Jozef Chen

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is one of the fastest-growing sports in the world, where new talents emerge and redefine the sport’s landscape every couple of years. Few names have garnered as much attention and respect as Jozef Chen, a Taiwanese-German grappler with an exceptional mind for grappling and is known as a rising superstar in the No-Gi circuit. Today, we will talk about Jozef and what makes him such a great representative of BJJ.


Early Life And Introduction To Grappling

Jozef Chen’s journey into the world of grappling began at a young age. Born into a family with a keen interest in martial arts, Chen was introduced to various disciplines early on. However, it was Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu that truly captured his imagination. His formative years as a practitioner weren’t spent at a world-renowned gym but rather under coaches who fostered an environment conducive to rapid improvement. Training with like-minded training partners and coaches, as well as vicariously studying instructionals, helped fast-track his development as a grappler. His natural talent and an insatiable curiosity for the intricacies of grappling began to show on the mats as well.

Chen’s early years in grappling were marked by hard training and participation in local tournaments. These experiences honed his skills and instilled a competitive spirit and a drive for excellence. His commitment to BJJ was evident as he consistently pursued new techniques and strategies to improve his game.

In 2022, Chen had already caught the attention of the grappling world. His breakthrough moment came in 2023 at the ADCC European Trials, where he showcased his prowess by defeating a lineup of top-tier competitors in a single day. His impressive performance solidified his reputation as a rising star in BJJ.


Joining The B-Team

The B-Team, known for its elite roster of grapplers and innovative training methods, became the perfect platform for Jozef Chen to elevate his career. Joining the B-Team was a pivotal moment for Chen, as it provided him with access to world-class training partners and coaches who helped refine his techniques and broaden his understanding of the sport.

Under the tutelage of renowned grapplers like Craig Jones, Nicky Rodriguez, and the rest of the B-Team, Chen’s evolution accelerated at a rapid pace. The B-Team’s emphasis on building unique personal styles meshed perfectly with Chen’s approach, where he prefers autonomy and self-expression. He quickly became known for his versatility, seamlessly blending traditional BJJ techniques with modern innovations.


Technical Mastery And Innovation

One of the defining aspects of Jozef Chen’s grappling style is his ability to combine techniques seamlessly. Chen’s game is characterized by precision and a deep understanding of BJJ’s nuance in almost all positions. His ability to control and manipulate his opponents is a testament to his technical expertise.

Chen’s passing game is an absolute pleasure to watch. He is a master of the high tripod pass, a technique that limits the defender’s ability to retain guard, allowing the passer to get to a dominant position like side control or mount safely. Aside from this guard passing, he is also a very competent guard player with excellent sweeps and submissions. Recently, he has shown improved wrestling and dominated many opponents in the standing position.

Beyond his technical prowess, Chen is also an innovator. He constantly experiments with new techniques and strategies, often incorporating elements from other grappling arts. This willingness to push boundaries and explore uncharted territories in BJJ has earned him a reputation as a forward-thinking grappler.


Competition Success

Jozef Chen’s success on the competition circuit has been nothing short of remarkable. He has consistently performed at the highest levels, securing victories in numerous prestigious tournaments. His achievements include multiple gold medals in regional and international competitions, as well as standout performances at major events like the IBJJF Asian Championship and ADCC Trials.

Chen’s competitive mindset is another key factor in his success. He approaches each match with a blend of confidence and strategic insight, meticulously studying his opponents and devising game plans tailored to exploit their weaknesses. For him, competing against opponents is not a fight between athletes but rather a battle between their understanding of BJJ. This analytical approach, combined with his technical skills, has made him a strong competitor in the competitive circuit.


Contribution To The B-Team

As a member of the B-Team, Jozef Chen has not only benefited from the team’s resources but has also contributed significantly to its success. His presence in the training room pushes his teammates to elevate their games, thereby raising the bar for everyone in the gym.

Chen’s insights and innovations have also influenced the team’s overall approach to training and competition. His willingness to share knowledge and collaborate with teammates has helped create a culture of open-mindedness and experimentation within the B-Team. The team has seen a lot of success by helping each other out as much as possible.


Impact On The BJJ Community

Jozef Chen’s rise in the grappling world has not gone unnoticed by the broader BJJ community. His performances and innovations have inspired a new generation of practitioners, who look up to him as a role model and a source of inspiration. Chen’s journey from a promising young talent to an elite competitor serves as an inspiration for those who aspire to do great things in the sport, even at a young age.

Chen’s influence extends beyond his competitive achievements. He is also a sought-after instructor known for his ability to communicate complex techniques in a clear and accessible manner. His highly regarded seminars and instructional videos make him a respected figure in the BJJ instructional community.



We are sure to see more from Jozef Chen in the future. His impact on Jiu-Jitsu has been massive, especially coming from a non-black belt competitor like him. It is safe to say that his star will continue to shine brighter once he gets to the black belt rank. Watch Jozef compete in the Craig Jones Invitational (CJI) this August 16th & 17th at the Thomas and Mack Center in Las Vegas, USA. The event is available to watch for free on the B-Team YouTube channel.


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