Top 8 Bucket List Items For Martial Artists

Every martial artist has their unique journey, but there are some things everyone who trains a combat style should aim to accomplish while they still have a chance. There’s no such thing as being too old to learn martial arts, but you might not be able to accomplish some of the items on our list if you wait too long. 


Top Eight Things That Should Be On Every Martial Artist’s Bucket List

Ready to make the most out of your martial arts journey? Here are some items you should consider adding to your bucket list:


1) Compete In A Tournament

Every martial artist should compete in at least one tournament. You’ll have so much fun and probably end up competing in many others. Tournaments allow you to test your skills against other similarly ranked competitors. It gives you fresh opponents who can help you to get a better understanding of your capabilities. For example, you might find out that some techniques that have been effective for you at the dojo aren’t so helpful when fighting equally skilled fighters. 

Tournaments also give you a chance to earn cool trophies that will always remind you of how much fun you had on the mat. They’re a great way to meet other martial artists and make friends for life. 


2) Train With A Legend

You might not have the opportunity to train with a living legend very often, but it’s definitely something that should be on your martial arts bucket list. A legend is someone who has changed the face of martial arts through their accomplishments or contributions to their art. 

Famous martial artists often hold seminars worldwide, so attend one whenever you can. If you’re lucky enough to train with one of these individuals, it’s an experience you’ll never forget. You’ll get first-hand knowledge from someone who has been there and done that. They can offer helpful tips that only come with experience. Evolve MMA is home to the greatest collection of martial arts world champions and training here should definitely be on your bucket list.


3) Train Overseas

Many martial arts have a particular region that is known for them. The best fighters and schools are typically from the area. For example, Thailand has an immense Muay Thai culture, while Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is bigger in Brazil than anywhere else. 

Spend some time where your martial art is most refined, and you won’t regret it. You’ll get to make new friends who share your passion and enjoy a new culture. You’ll be a better martial artist when you return home. 


4) Meet Your Heroes

We all have martial arts heroes that we look up to. It could be a mixed martial arts champion like Angela Lee or someone who trains at your dojo. Meeting any of these people in person would be awesome, but don’t expect too much. 

Your heroes are people, too, and they might not have the time to talk with you if you ever run into them on the street. Just enjoy the experience of meeting them and take any advice they’re willing to give you. 


5) Get An Autograph

Georges St Pierre at Evolve MMA

If you’re a fan of a particular fighter, getting their autograph is probably high on your list of things to do. You can usually find them at events or seminars. Many of them are happy to sign autographs for their fans. 

You might even be able to get a photo with them if you’re lucky. Don’t be that annoying fan who asks for too much of their time. They’re busy people and have other things to do besides talking to you all day. 


6) Attend A High-Level Event


The most significant events in martial arts are usually the world championships. These are the ultimate test of a fighter’s skills. If you have the opportunity to attend one of these, take it. 

You’ll get to see the best fighters in the world going head-to-head. It’s a fantastic experience that any martial artist would love. Even if you’re not a fan of competition, it’s still something you should see at least once in your life. If you’re good enough to compete at that level, you might as well sign up and participate in the fun. 


7) Write A Book

If you’re a fan of martial arts fiction, writing a book might be something you’ve always wanted to do. It’s not as easy as it sounds, but it’s possible. Just start writing and see where it takes you. Who knows, you might end up with a best seller on your hands. 


8) Earn A BJJ Black Belt

bjj student promoted to black belt

Everyone who trains in a martial art should set a goal to earn at least one promotion, but getting a black belt is the ultimate sign you’ve been dedicated to your training. It signifies that you’ve gained significant knowledge about combat and distinguishes you as a master of your art. 

Earning a belt gives you a massive sense of accomplishment since many martial artists feel overwhelmed at times when they first start training. Some techniques might seem impossible to master, but perseverance always wins in the dojo. Keep practicing, and many of these techniques will eventually become second nature to you. 

A black belt is something no one can take away from you, and it gives you the qualifications to train others. That could open a new career path for you sometime down the road. 

Just remember, a black belt only covers two inches of your butt, to paraphrase Royce Gracie, so don’t use earning one as an excuse to start slacking off with your training. 


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