What Is The Kipping Escape In BJJ?

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is an ever-evolving martial art that flourishes on the principle of leverage and technique. This principle is evident in the myriad of escapes and defensive maneuvers that allow a practitioner to evade or counter an opponent’s control. Among the various escapes taught in BJJ academies worldwide, the kipping escape stands out as a viable option even against bigger and stronger opponents. In this article, we’ll go over the basic mechanics of the kipping escape in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.


What Is The Kipping Escape?

The kipping escape is a defensive technique meant to displace the opponent from top pins. Typically used to escape precarious positions like the mount and side control, the kipping escape is now becoming prominent in today’s competition scene. The basic mechanic of the kipping escape focuses on first getting inside position, framing against the opponent’s hips, and using momentum from the hips and legs to buck off the opponent on top. We’ll delve deeper into the step-by-step movements as we go along in this article. 


When To Use The Kipping Escape

The kipping escape is particularly handy when trapped beneath an opponent in side control, full mount, or when an opponent is attempting to pass the guard. In these situations, your mobility is restricted, and the opponent’s weight and pressure can be overwhelming. The kipping motion can disrupt the opponent’s balance and create the necessary space to recover the guard or transition to a more favorable position.


Kipping Escape From The Mount

In this video, respected BJJ black belt Brian Glick explains his approach to the kipping escape. As we mentioned previously, the kipping escape is best used from under pins like the mount. As with most defensive techniques in BJJ, getting the inside position is paramount to a robust kipping escape, as it acts as a frame against the opponent’s torso and, at the same time, makes it difficult for your opponent to attack the arms with submissions. 

The goal of the kipping motion is to create space between your hips and the opponent’s, allowing opportunities to escape back to guard. In order to create space, it is not enough to bridge; you should use a jackknife motion using your legs to generate force as you move slightly at an angle to recover your position. You should do all these steps in succession, making sure that you do not stop halfway. Once you get enough space, move to guards like the single leg X to control and manage the opponent’s weight. 


Kipping Escape From Side Control

Here is another video where Brian Glick explains the kipping escape, this time from the side control or cross-side pin. Side control is a favorite of many grapplers as it provides substantial control over their opponents. If you are new to Jiu-Jitsu, learning to defend and escape the side control position is essential to your development. 

Like in the mount version we showed, the kipping escape from side control revolves around using a kipping motion to force the hips at an angle rather than stay square. This angle will give you the ability to insert your legs and recover guard. 

From the bottom side control position, ensure that you keep yourself protected by using your frames as you place your knee near the opponent’s hip. Your legs should be bent and touching each other to quickly generate power and momentum. Push with your arms at an angle to create space and do the kipping movement, jacking your legs up and down, to create space for your knees to enter the pocket near their hips. From here, you can push away and recover guard safely.


Benefits Of Using The Kipping Escape

The kipping escape is a recommended technique to at least explore because it has a number of great benefits. The kipping motion is a valuable tool to create space. It teaches your body to generate force by using angle and displacement to buck someone over. Since the kipping escape uses the legs to build power, even practitioners of smaller stature can benefit from this technique. 

Another benefit of the kipping escape is its novelty. It is safe to say that not all are aware of this escape. Use this fact to your advantage and use the technique until your training partners and opponents are compelled to learn the counters to it.

Lastly, the kipping escape is versatile enough that you can employ the move with or without the Gi. As we build our games in BJJ, selecting techniques that can be used regardless of style and ruleset is critical. Learning the kipping escape may not be our top suggestion for mount and side control escapes, but it is undoubtedly a cool technique to add to your rotation of escapes. Remember that you must build a system for all major positions in Jiu-Jitsu. It is not enough to rely on just one technique because you’ll get figured out quickly. Use several techniques in succession to make your style dynamic and hard to read.


Practicing The Kipping Escape

It should be said that drilling and practicing new positions is essential for mastery. The kipping escape may look simple, but it is actually quite technical. Doing the kipping motion correctly is the secret to this technique. Finding avenues to recover guard will be difficult if you cannot generate enough force with your legs. With this, it is best to drill the kipping escape as much as you can.  



The kipping escape is a testament to the art’s emphasis on technique and leverage. By understanding the body’s mechanics and harnessing momentum, even a smaller practitioner can escape the control of a larger, stronger opponent. 

As with all techniques in Jiu-Jitsu, mastery of the kipping escape comes with consistent application and refinement. By integrating it into regular training and refining its nuances, you can improve your defensive capabilities and add another layer to your overall BJJ game. Whether you’re a seasoned competitor or a casual enthusiast, the kipping escape is a valuable tool that can significantly impact your grappling journey.


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