The heavyweight division in boxing has always been regarded as the most prestigious category in the sport. Heavyweight champions often become the face of boxing during their reigns, and the greatest champions earn global adoration. …

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The heavyweight division in boxing has always been regarded as the most prestigious category in the sport. Heavyweight champions often become the face of boxing during their reigns, and the greatest champions earn global adoration. …
If you’re a fan of boxing, you’ve probably seen a boxer knock an opponent out with a gazelle punch, even if you don’t recognize the technique by name. It’s one of the most effective ways…
The double-end bag is a tool you can’t afford to ignore when it comes to sharpening your boxing skills. This unique training tool gives you a dynamic and unpredictable target, making it perfect for developing…
The jab is the most important punch in boxing; this is a well-known and accepted adage in the boxing community. This is because the jab is the weapon closest to your opponent and is also…
The sport of boxing has had its share of legendary fighters who have left undeniable marks. These fighters managed to separate themselves from others of their time and gave us some of the greatest storylines…
It takes a team to build a great fighter. In boxing, that team is comprised of trainers, cornermen, and other hidden heroes. The pursuit of glory can be a lonely one – when a fighter…
Boxing is perhaps the purest form of combat known to man. Nothing could be simpler than duking it out with nothing but the hands. Despite its inherent simplicity, there are several different styles and tactics…
There are a myriad of fighting styles in boxing, from the evasive Philly Shell style Floyd Mayweather uses to the aggressive Peekaboo style of Mike Tyson. Regardless of their individual style, skilled boxers share one…
To first-time viewers, K1 Kickboxing and Muay Thai may look like similar sports. The rounds are the same length, they both allow similar strikes, and to make things even more confusing, Thai superstars such as…
You’d probably be better off signing off for boxing training instead of creating a conventional gym workout. Sure, a well-stocked gym gives you all the equipment you need to transform your body if you’re dedicated,…