Here Are The Top 4 Judo Throws For BJJ

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a martial art that has gained massive popularity worldwide for its highly effective ground-fighting techniques and submissions. However, in the world of BJJ, takedowns are often underestimated but play a pivotal role in gaining an advantage in a match. Judo, with its rich history of throws and takedowns, offers a valuable set of skills that can significantly enhance a BJJ practitioner’s game. In this post, we’ll delve into the top 4 Judo throws for Jiu-Jisu, exploring their viability, applications, and the strategic advantages they offer on the mat.


Benefits Of Training Judo To Improve Your BJJ

Judo and BJJ are essentially very similar by way of techniques but focus on different aspects of the game. Judo is widely considered the premier martial art in terms of using throws with a uniform on. Judo’s primary focus is the standup, and their throws are highly effective. On the other hand, Jiu-Jitsu is known for its intricate guard play and dynamic movements on the ground. Since most matches in BJJ revolve around ground fighting, many techniques have been developed to accompany this direction. Combining these 2 arts is an effective way to improve one’s grappling.

Now, let’s review some of the best throws you can use for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.


Osoto Gari (Major Outer Reap)

The Osoto Gari is one of the fundamental throws in Judo and is highly versatile and practical when adapted for BJJ. The essence of this throw lies in off-balancing your opponent by pulling them forward or to the side. Once your opponent is off-balance, step across their body with the same leg as your gripping hand and sweep their leg from the outside, causing them to lose their balance and fall to the mat.

In BJJ, the Osoto Gari’s simplicity and adaptability make it a go-to takedown for practitioners of all levels. It can be set up from various grips and positions, enabling you to take your opponent down while maintaining a solid top position or transitioning seamlessly to a dominant ground position.

One key benefit of the Osoto Gari in BJJ is its utility against opponents who tend to pull guard. By quickly executing this throw, you can thwart their guard-pulling attempts and establish control over the match’s pace.

Finally, the Osoto Gari is also applicable in No-Gi grappling and MMA. The key is to get a strong connection with the opponent as you seek to off-balance them before the throw.


Uchi Mata (Inner Thigh Throw)

The Uchi Mata is another super effective Judo throw that can be seamlessly integrated into your BJJ arsenal. This throw involves lifting your opponent’s leg and sweeping their inner thigh to unbalance and throw them. To execute the Uchi Mata successfully, timing and maintaining control over your opponent’s upper body are crucial.

The Uchi Mata can be a game-changer when your opponent plays a low stance or attempts to pull guard. By executing the Uchi Mata, you not only prevent them from engaging their guard but also gain an advantageous top position, setting the stage for a more dominant ground game.

The versatility of the Uchi Mata allows you to employ it from different gripping strategies, adapting to your opponent’s style and creating a well-rounded takedown arsenal in your BJJ repertoire.

Like the previous technique, you can also apply this technique in No-Gi grappling. Make sure you study the differences in the setup when using the Uchi Mata without the Gi.


Harai Goshi (Sweeping Hip Throw)

The Harai Goshi is a powerful Judo throw that leverages your hips and legs to sweep your opponent off their feet. To execute the Harai Goshi effectively, you must step in close to your opponent, hook your leg around theirs, and use your hips to initiate the throw.

In the context of BJJ, the Harai Goshi can be a valuable tool when facing opponents who apply intense pressure or are attempting to pass your guard. By employing the Harai Goshi, you can create space, destabilize your opponent, and bring them to the ground in an instant. This not only helps you thwart their passing attempts but also opens opportunities to work your own guard game or transition to a more dominant position.

Harai Goshi’s adaptability and ability to counter pressure tactics make it a worthwhile addition to your BJJ toolkit, offering an alternative to pulling guard or relying solely on ground-based techniques.

Here is the No-Gi version of the Harai Goshi for the No-Gi lovers out there. Remember to get a deep underhook as you go for the throw.


Seoi Nage (Shoulder Throw)

The Seoi Nage is a classic Judo throw that’s also applicable in BJJ. The essence of Seoi Nage lies in using your opponent’s momentum and your body mechanics to throw them over your shoulder and onto the ground. It’s a technique that requires skill, practice, and the ability to read your opponent’s movements.

Watch above video on the the No-Gi version of the Seoi Nage, as explained by veteran MMA fighter Rick Hawn. Before attempting Seoi Nage, you need to off-balance your opponent. You can pull them slightly forward or to the side, disrupting their balance and making them lean into you. Position yourself close to your opponent, with your hips almost touching theirs. Your body should be square to your opponent. As you initiate the throw, pivot on the balls of your feet and take a big step forward with your lead foot (the same side as your gripping hand). Simultaneously, lower your level by bending your knees. Go under the opponent’s center of gravity, rotate your body, and finish the throw.



Incorporating Judo throws into your BJJ skill set can be a transformative journey, greatly enhancing your takedown game and overall effectiveness on the mat. The throws we went over today offer BJJ practitioners a range of versatile options for taking down opponents, gaining top control, and creating advantageous positions.

To master these throws, consistent training, a focus on proper technique, and adapting them to the specific dynamics of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu are essential. With experience and dedication, you’ll discover that these Judo throws can be powerful tools in your BJJ arsenal, helping you secure dominant positions, control the pace of a match, and ultimately improve your overall performance on the mat.


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